Wadju U.S. App Privacy Policy 

Last Updated: May 21, 2020 

1. Introduction 

Wadju, Inc. (“Wadju,” “we,” or “us”) values your privacy. In this Privacy Policy, we describe  how we collect, use, and disclose information that we obtain about individuals or entities that  access, download, or otherwise use (“You,” “Your,” or “User”) of our websites www.wadju.com (“Sites”) and our mobile application (“App”), including all of the services available through our  Sites and App (collectively “Service”).  



Users acknowledge (a) that they have read and understood this Privacy Policy; and (b) this Privacy Policy shall have the same  force and effect as a signed agreement.  

Other websites which are linked to/from or are associated with the Service may have different  policies; please review the privacy policies on those websites for details. 

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment or enhance the current Service  will be subject to this Privacy Policy. 

This Privacy Policy is part of the Wadju Terms of Use, (https://wadju.com/terms-of-use) . Any terms defined in the Terms of Use shall have the same meaning in this Privacy Policy.  

Please review the Privacy Policy each time You use the Service. If we materially change this  Privacy Policy, we will update this page to reflect any changes to this Privacy Policy and notify  Users by showing it to You again through an in-app notification. BY USING THE SERVICE,  YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE PRIVACY  POLICY.  

2. Information We Collect 

We collect information from You when You use the Service, contact us, or interact with us in the  manner described below. We may collect personal information that You may provide. If You  submit any personal information in connection with using the Service, You represent that You  have the authority to do so and to permit Wadju to use the information in accordance with the  Privacy Policy.  

A. Information You Voluntarily Provide Us 

You can browse portions of our Sites without registering. However, to use the Service fully,  including adding recommendations and to view certain content, we ask that You register with the  Service. Currently Users may only register through native authorization process whereby You  provide an email address and select Your own private password. Upon sign up we request  certain information specific to You that You may or may not provide, Your election to such  request will have no effect on the efficiency or functionality of the App. In addition, certain  content is restricted to the App, which You may download from either the Apple App Store or  the Google Play Store in order to use.  

B. Information We Collect Automatically When You Use the Service 

We may automatically collect the following information about Your use of the Service through  cookies and other technologies: log files; domain name; browser type and operating system;  page views and related activities; IP address and location information; the length of time You use  our Services; access date and time; browser type; device ID and other mobile or app identifiers;  and referring URL. Wadju also collects information about your activities within the Service,  such as ratings You post, comments You make and photos You submit. We may combine this  information with other information that we have collected about You.  

With your permission, the App can access your geolocation information. 

Please see the Analytics and Cookies, Local Storage and Other Tracking Technologies sections below for more information.  

C. Information We Collect From Other Sources. 

A User may elect to allow the App to verify whether any of User’s Faceboook friends that may  be users of the App. Through this process we do not provide Facebook with anything other than  the User’s name and request permission to User’s friends list. The only information we collect  from Facebook are the names of a selection (if any) of User’s facebook friends. We do not  collect any of User’s personal information of any kind from the social network or any personal  information of User’s friends other than the names of such User’s friends that are both User’s  friends and are users of the App. You will be asked to permit the social network to share such information stored on such social network with the Service. We collect your information from  your social network account only in accordance with the permissions granted by You.  

3. How We Use Your Information 

We use the information that we collect for several purposes including: 

• The purposes for which You provided it, including posting and reading reviews,  accessing menus, and adding pictures etc.  

• To provide our Service, to communicate with You, and for other customer service  purposes.

• To make recommendations to You, to tailor the information that we send or  display to You, to offer location customization, and to otherwise personalize  content, advertising and experiences. 

• For marketing and promotional purposes. For example, we may use your  information, such as your e-mail address, to send You information about products  or content we think may interest You. 

• To create anonymous data and to compile aggregate data for internal and external  business purposes;  

• To allow us to personalize and enhance your experience using the Service. 

• To prevent fraud and abuse of the Service and to otherwise protect Users and  visitors and our business;  

• To send You targeted advertising, both online and in our App. 

• Enable you to connect with those of your Facebook friends who are already  Wadju Users.  

• To better understand how Users access and use our Service, to improve our  Service, respond to User desires and preferences, and for other research and  analytical purposes. 

• To administer and troubleshoot the Service.  

• As otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy or the Terms or as permitted or required  by law. 

Please note that You may choose not to allow us to use Your personal information for certain  purposes (such as to e-mail You promotional information) as described in the Your Choices  Regarding Your Information section below. 

4. How Your Information is Disclosed 

Information may be disclosed to third-parties in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You may  choose not to share certain information as described in the Your Choices Regarding Your  Information below. 

A. Wadju Users 

Your User name and any information that You post, such as ratings, comments, and photos, will  be available to, and searchable by, all Users of the Service. In addition, certain content may be  viewable by third-parties who are not registered Users. For more information about your  choices, see the “What Choices Do I Have” section below. 

B. Contacts/Friends 

Wadju gives You the ability to follow your contacts or friends (Wadju Friends) with th App.  You may always remove another Wadju User from your Wadju friends list. Your Wadju friends  (Following_ list is made available, only to other Wadju Users for review.  

C. Business Partners and Others 

i. Your information, including the information You post, may be shared with  other third-parties, included the businesses to which they relate. For example, if You review a  dish, your review may be shared with the restaurant that prepared it. However, none of your  proprietary information will be shared linked to You as the user. For example, if a Sheila, a 45  year old woman who lives in zip code 90067, rates an item a “4”, we may share that a 45 year  old woman from 90067 rated the item a 4 but the User’s name or provided email address will  NOT be provided. Please note that Sheila’s rating of the item is knowlingly posted on her Wadju  Think page so the information is made avialble to the other Users. Any information we provide  to other third-parties asannonimous aggregatee information. 

ii. Wadju provides You with the ability to post information you generate in  Wadju to your social networks or through your digital networks as you elect. Ratings you  generate in Wadju can be shared, solely by your direction, to any service(s), selected by You,  that are generally avialble for online sharing services. 

D. Affiliates 

We may disclose the information we collect from You to our affiliates or subsidiaries; their use  and disclosure of your personally identifiable information will be subject to this Policy.  

E. Service Providers 

We may disclose the information we collect from You to third-party vendors, service providers,  contractors or agents who perform functions on our behalf, such as site analytics, e-mail  marketing, social sharing, blog commenting, website administration, software maintenance,  servicing, and upgrading, hosting, data migration, advertising, storing data, and as otherwise  described in this Privacy Policy. 

F. Business Transfers 

If we are acquired by or merged with another company, if substantially all of our assets are  transferred to another company, or as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, we may transfer the  information we have collected from You to the other company. 

G. In Response to Legal Process 

We may disclose information about You to third-parties if we believe that such disclosure is  necessary to:  

• Investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected illegal activities,  suspected fraud, the rights, reputation, safety, and property of us, Users or others,  or violations of our policies or other agreements with us; 

• Comply with the law or guidance and cooperate with government or law  enforcement officials or private parties;  

• Respond to claims and legal process (for example subpoenas); and/or • Protect against legal liability. 

H. To Protect Us and Others 

We also may disclose the information we collect from You where we believe it is necessary to  investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations  involving potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use or this  Policy, or as evidence in litigation in which Wadju is involved.  

I. Aggregate Information 

We may share aggregate or de-identified information about Users with third-parties for  marketing, advertising, research or similar purposes. 

J. Analytics 

We use third-party analytics tools to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Service.  These tools may use cookies and other technologies to collect information about your use of the  Service. These tools collect information sent by your device or the Service and other  information that assists us in improving the Service. This information may be used to, among  other things, analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, and better  understand your online activity.  

We use automated devices and applications, such as Google Analytics and Mixpanel to evaluate  usage of our Sites and App.  

• We use Google’s Universal Analytics to better understand who is using the  Service and how people are using it. Google Universal Analytics is a web  analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) that uses cookies, pixel  tags and other technologies to collect and store information such as Service pages  visited, places where Users click, time spent on each page, IP address, type of  operating system used, location-based data, device ID, search history, and phone  number. We use this information to improve the Service and as otherwise  described in this Privacy Policy. Please see  

http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ for information about how  Google Analytics uses this information, visit  

https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout for information about the Google  Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, and visit  

http://www.google.com/settings/ads/ to adjust the settings for Your Google  account. Google Analytics may track You over time and across websites or  applications.  

• The Service has embedded Google Maps. Google may collect information from  You when You use the embedded Maps. For more information, please review the  Google Maps API Terms of Use: https://developers.google.com/maps/terms. 

• We use Mixpanel to better understand how Users use the Service. While  Mixpanel may collect information about You on Wadju’s behalf, data collection  is governed by the Wadju Privacy Policy. Mixpanel uses a first party cookie that  is placed on your device and information collected includes, but is not limited to,  the time of an event; the elements a User has interacted with; metadata and other  details about these elements including duration of interaction; how a User came to  the Service; what search engine and search keywords a User may have used to get  to the Service; and information about your device such as their operating system  and browser, as well as the city/country location of End Users, tokens and IDs for  push notifications. As a User of the Service, You can opt-out of Mixpanel’s  automatic retention of data collected through their web browsers while on  Customer’s mobile and web properties or websites that have the Application  Services integrated by visiting https://mixpanel.com/optout. To track opt-outs,  Mixpanel uses a persistent opt-out cookie placed on devices of Wadju’s Users.  Mixpanel opt-out cookies will not stop Wadju from sending other data about You from Wadju’s servers to Mixpanel, nor will it prevent any other data collection  methods. If You get a new computer, install a new browser, erase or otherwise  alter your browser’s cookie file (including upgrading certain browsers) You may  also clear the Mixpanel opt-out cookie. To better understand Mixpanel’s data use  practices, please visit its Privacy Policy: https://mixpanel.com/legal/privacy policy/, and Terms of Use: https://mixpanel.com/legal/terms-of-use/.  

We also may use other analytic means to evaluate our Service. We use these tools to help us  improve our Service, performance and User experiences. These entities may use cookies and  other tracking technologies to perform their services; we do not share your personal information  with these third-parties.  

5. Cookies, Local Storage, and Other Tracking Technologies 

These and other third-parties may collect or receive information about Your use of the Service,  including through the use of cookies, web beacons and other technologies, and this information  may be collected over time and combined with information collected on different websites and  online services, which may track Users across websites and apps. You can instruct your browser  

to stop accepting cookies. But if You do not accept cookies, You may not be able to use all  functionality of the Service. 

We use cookies and other tracking technologies on the Service to help us understand and save  your preferences and interests so we can personalize your future visits and compile data about  website traffic and website interaction so that we can offer better website experiences and tools  in the future. 

A. Cookies 

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your  web browser for record-keeping purposes. Some cookies allow us to make it easier for You to  navigate our Sites and Service, while others are used to enable a faster log-in process or to allow  us to track your activities. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if You prefer,  You can edit your browser options to block them in the future. The Help portion of the toolbar  on most browsers will tell You how to manage how websites place cookies through your  browser.  

B. Clear GIFs, Pixel Tags, and Other Technologies 

Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies. In contrast  to cookies, which are stored on your computer’s hard drive, clear GIFs are embedded invisibly  on web pages. We may use clear GIFs (a.k.a. web beacons, web bugs or pixel tags), in  connection with our Sites and App to, among other things, help us manage content, and compile  statistics about usage. We and our third-party service providers also use clear GIFs in HTML e mails to our customers, to help us track e-mail response rates, identify when our e-mails are  viewed, and track whether our e-mails are forwarded.  

C. Targeted Advertising and Ad Networks 

We may send Users targeted ads, based on their location and activities within the Service (on the  Sites and in the App). We may also participate in third-party advertisement networks and allow  third-parties to use cookies, pixel tags and other tracking technologies on the Sites and App to  collect usage information and display targeted ads. 

For example, we may use Google’s AdMob to help us display targeted ads in the App. AdMob  uses cookies to serve advertisements based on your prior visits to the Service or other websites.  Google’s use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to Users based on  their visit to the Service and/or other websites on the Internet. Users may opt out of personalized  advertising by visiting Ads Settings: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated.  Alternatively, Users may opt out of a third-party partner’s use of cookies for personalized  advertising by visiting http://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2#!/. For more information on how Google  uses data on its partners’ sites or apps, please visit: https://policies.google.com/privacy/partners.  

These third-parties may be able to associate the information they collect with other information  they have about You from other sources. 

6. Security 

We implement a variety of security measures to protect the safety of your personal information when You enter, submit, or access your personal information.  

While we take reasonable measures to protect the information You submit via the Service against  loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure, or modification, we cannot guarantee its absolute  security. No Internet, e-mail, or mobile application transmission is ever fully secure or error  free. E-mail or other messages sent through the Service may not be secure. You should use  caution whenever submitting information through the Service and take special care in deciding  

with which information You provide us. If You have any questions about security on our  Service, please e-mail us at legal@wadju.com.  

We cannot guarantee that transmissions of your personal information will be fully secure and  that third-parties will never be able to defeat our security measures or the security measures of  our partners. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR INFORMATION  DUE TO TRANSMISSION ERRORS, THIRD-PARTY ACCESS OR CAUSES BEYOND  OUR CONTROL.  

Any information collected through the Service is stored and processed in the United States. If  You use our Website outside of the United States, You consent to have your data transferred to  the United States. 

7. Data Retention Policy 

We will retain your information for as long as You use the Service and for a reasonable time  thereafter. Please note that some or all of the information we have collected may be required in  order for the Service to function properly.  

8. Your Choices Regarding Your Information 

You have choices regarding how Wadju uses your Information: 

A. Changing Your Information 

You may modify some of the information that You have submitted by logging into your account  and updating your profile information and review history. Please note that copies of information  that You have updated, modified or deleted may remain viewable in cached and archived pages  of the Sites or Application for a period of time, and we will retain a copy of this information in  our systems. You may also ask to review, update, or have deleted any personal information  collected by Wadju on the Service. To do so, please send us an e-mail asking to review or  update your personal information, or to have us delete your personal information at  legal@wadju.com. However, we reserve the right to retain personal information as necessary to  comply with law.  

B. E-mail Communications 

We may send periodic promotional or informational e-mails to You. You may opt-out of such  communications by following the opt-out instructions contained in the e-mail. It may take up to  10 business days for us to process opt-out requests. If You opt-out of receiving e-mails about  recommendations or other information we think may interest You, we may still send You e-mails  about your account or any Service You have requested or received from us. 

C. Social Media 

You should make sure You are comfortable with the information that a third-party social  networking service may make available to us by carefully reviewing the social media service’s privacy policy and terms and conditions and by modifying Your privacy settings directly on that  service. 

D. Opt-Outs Available from Wadju’s Partners 

The Service utilizes personalized advertising and allows cookies and other tracking technologies  from third-party partners. The third-party partners may provide opt-out mechanisms.  

• For opt-outs from Google Analytics and Google’s AdMob, please visit  http://www.google.com/settings/ads/ to adjust the settings for Your Google  account. Google Analytics may track You over time and across websites or  applications. Alternatively, Users may opt out of a third-party partner’s use of  cookies for personalized advertising by visiting  


• For Mixpanel opt-outs, please visit https://mixpanel.com/optout. To track opt outs, Mixpanel uses a persistent opt-out cookie placed on devices of Wadju’s  Users. Mixpanel opt-out cookies will not stop Wadju from sending other data  about You from Wadju’s servers to Mixpanel, nor will it prevent any other data  collection methods. If You get a new computer, install a new browser, erase or  otherwise alter your browser’s cookie file (including upgrading certain browsers)  You may also clear the Mixpanel opt-out cookie. 

See Analytics and Cookies, Local Storage and Other Tracking Technologies sections above  for other partner opt-out details.  

9. Information Collected from Other Websites, and Wadju’s Do Not Track Policy 

Our Sites and Service may contain links to third-party websites. Any access to and use of such  linked websites is not governed by this Policy, but instead is governed by the privacy policies of  those third-party websites. We are not responsible for the information practices of such third party websites.  

Through cookies we place on your browser or device, we and our partners may collect  information about your online activity after You leave the Service. Just like any other usage  information we collect, this information allows us to improve the Service and customize your  online experience, and otherwise as described in this Privacy Policy.  

Your browser may offer a “Do Not Track” option, which allows You to signal to operators of  websites and mobile applications and services (including behavioral advertising services) that  You do not wish such operators to track certain of your online activities over time and/or across  different websites and mobile applications and services. The Service does not support Do Not  Track requests at this time, which means that we collect information about your online activity  both while You are using the Service and after You leave the Service. However, You can find  information on how to opt out of many online ad networks at the following sites: Network  Advertising Initiative, and Digital Advertising Alliance. Please note that opting-out does not  prevent ads from being displayed to You. Also, if You delete cookies after opting out, your opt out may no longer be effective. 


10. Children 

Our Service is not designed for or intended for children under 13 years of age. We do not  knowingly collect personal information from an individual under age 13. If You are under the  age of 13, please do not submit any personal information through the Service. If we discover  that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will delete such information  from our systems. If You have reason to believe that we may have accidentally received  personal information from an individual under age 13, please contact us immediately at  legal@wadju.com.  

11. Terms of Use 

Please also visit Wadju’s TOU at, https://wadju.com/terms-of-use, which state the terms,  disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing your use of the Service.  

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy 

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time  without prior notice. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically, and especially before You  provide any information. Your continued use of the Sites or provision of personal information  

after any modifications to this Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of those changes. This  Privacy Policy was made effective on the date indicated above.  

If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that materially affect our practices with regard to  the personal information we have previously collected from You, we will endeavor to provide  You with notice in advance of such change by highlighting the change on our Sites, or by  sending You a notice in the App or to your e-mail address of record with us.  

13. Your California Privacy Rights 

Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code permits California residents to request from a  business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, certain  information about the types of personal information the business has shared with third-parties for  those third-parties’ direct marketing purposes and the names and addresses of the third-parties  with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar  year. You may make one request each year by e-mailing us at legal@wadju.com.  

14. How to Contact Us 

If You have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our use of your personal information,  please contact us at legal@wadju.com or Wadju, Inc. 1901 Avenue of The Stars, 19th Floor, Los  Angeles 90067.